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Villanovaforru ist eine Stadt in Sardinia. Villanovaforru hat 361 Einwohner. Villanovaforru liegt in der Region "Medio Campidano". Another city, located northeast of Sardara, of the Marmilla area gained a bigger popularity due to its archaeological discoveries of the Nuraghian settlement Genna Maria. Up to the present day, it was not clarified why the inhabitants of Nuraghian village suddenly left this place in the 8th century before Christ. Both the geobotany park and the temporary exhibition together with the archaeological sites belong to the Museo Naturalistico Sa Corona Arrubia on the Giara di Siddi.

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Titel dieser Seite: Villanovaforru in Sardinia - sights and citizens
Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: Another city, located northeast of Sardara, of the Marmilla area gained a bigger popularity due to its archaeological discoveries of the Nuraghian settlement Genna Maria. Up to the present day, it was not clarified why the inhabitants of Nuraghian village suddenly left this place in the 8th century before Christ. Both the geobotany park and the temporary exhibition together with the archaeological sites belong to the Museo Naturalistico Sa Corona Arrubia on the Giara di Siddi.

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