Arbus ist eine Stadt in Sardinia. Arbus hat 3395 Einwohner.
Arbus liegt in der Region "Medio Campidano".
Except from the exhibition of Sardian knifes, which shows, amongst others, the world’s biggest knife with 80 kilos and almost 3.5 metres length in the Museo Caltrello Sarda, Arbus does not have a lot to offer. If you want to learn more about the traditional production of the “arrasoias”, the knives with the bended blade, you should visit the cutler in the neighbour village Guspini. A visit to the mining centre Montevecchio, where you can participate in a round tour, is also worth the trip.
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Titel dieser Seite: Arbus in Sardinia - sights and citizens Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: Except from the exhibition of Sardian knifes, which shows, amongst others, the world’s biggest knife with 80 kilos and almost 3.5 metres length in the Museo Caltrello Sarda, Arbus does not have a lot to offer. If you want to learn more about the traditional production of the “arrasoias”, the knives with the bended blade, you should visit the cutler in the neighbour village Guspini. A visit to the mining centre Montevecchio, where you can participate in a round tour, is also worth the trip.