Sanluri ist eine Stadt in Sardinia. Sanluri hat 4185 Einwohner.
Sanluri liegt in der Region "Medio Campidano".
In 1409, the battle of Sanluri took place at this site, which is located between Cagliari and Oristano, and resulted in a final control of the Spanish over the former Judicat Arborea. The museum Museo di Risorgimento, inside the castle “Castello di Eleonora d’Arborea”, reminds of that time, with paintings, porcelain, weapons, flags and wax sculptures. A likewise very interesting museum is the Museo Storico Etnografici, which clearly documents the history of the Capuchin order at Sardinia.
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Titel dieser Seite: Sanluri in Sardinia - sights and citizens Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: In 1409, the battle of Sanluri took place at this site, which is located between Cagliari and Oristano, and resulted in a final control of the Spanish over the former Judicat Arborea. The museum Museo di Risorgimento, inside the castle “Castello di Eleonora d’Arborea”, reminds of that time, with paintings, porcelain, weapons, flags and wax sculptures. A likewise very interesting museum is the Museo Storico Etnografici, which clearly documents the history of the Capuchin order at Sardinia.