Gonnosfanadiga ist eine Stadt in Sardinia. Gonnosfanadiga hat 3412 Einwohner.
Gonnosfanadiga liegt in der Region "Medio Campidano".
You will encounter this city at the motorway 196, direction to Guspini, north of Villacidro between the Campidano and Iglesiente lowlands. From here, you can start your tour to the old mine in Montevecchio or to the Costa Verde for some amusement at the sea.
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Titel dieser Seite: Gonnosfanadiga in Sardinia - sights and citizens Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: You will encounter this city at the motorway 196, direction to Guspini, north of Villacidro between the Campidano and Iglesiente lowlands. From here, you can start your tour to the old mine in Montevecchio or to the Costa Verde for some amusement at the sea.