Tuili ist eine Stadt in Sardinia. Tuili hat 570 Einwohner.
Tuili liegt in der Region "Medio Campidano".
Tuili is considered one of the most beautiful villages in the Marmilla and is located close by Barumini at the hillsides of the Table Mountain Giara di Gesturi. A significant reason for this reputation is the white sparkling church Sant’Antonia Abate and the parish church San Pietro Apostolo that owns the altarpiece Retablo di San Pietro (completion before 1500), which is considered the most important work of art, in gothic painting, on the entire isle.
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Titel dieser Seite: Tuili in Sardinia - sights and citizens Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: Tuili is considered one of the most beautiful villages in the Marmilla and is located close by Barumini at the hillsides of the Table Mountain Giara di Gesturi. A significant reason for this reputation is the white sparkling church Sant’Antonia Abate and the parish church San Pietro Apostolo that owns the altarpiece Retablo di San Pietro (completion before 1500), which is considered the most important work of art, in gothic painting, on the entire isle.