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Sardara ist eine Stadt in Sardinia. Sardara hat 2135 Einwohner. Sardara liegt in der Region "Medio Campidano". Sardara is located in the Campidano lowlands almost 40 kilometres away from Oristano. It is one of the largest localities of the region and can be reached by highway. Besides the Campanile, which is a parish church form the 14th century and is called San Gregorio, a visit to the Nuraghian fountain sanctuary, from the 10th century before Christ, next to the small church Sant’Anastasiia is worth the trip. The numerous votive offerings, which have been found here, are nowadays displayed in the Museo Archeologico in Cagliari. The healing power of the Terme di Sardara was already known by the Romans, who opened the first thermal bath here, nowadays its visitors (patients) ease their pain of different illnesses, in the up to 50 degrees hot mineral spring in the midst of an eucalyptus grove.

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Titel dieser Seite: Sardara in Sardinia - sights and citizens
Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: Sardara is located in the Campidano lowlands almost 40 kilometres away from Oristano. It is one of the largest localities of the region and can be reached by highway. Besides the Campanile, which is a parish church form the 14th century and is called San Gregorio, a visit to the Nuraghian fountain sanctuary, from the 10th century before Christ, next to the small church Sant’Anastasiia is worth the trip. The numerous votive offerings, which have been found here, are nowadays displayed in the Museo Archeologico in Cagliari. The healing power of the Terme di Sardara was already known by the Romans, who opened the first thermal bath here, nowadays its visitors (patients) ease their pain of different illnesses, in the up to 50 degrees hot mineral spring in the midst of an eucalyptus grove.

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