Barumini ist eine Stadt in Sardinia. Barumini hat 687 Einwohner.
Barumini liegt in der Region "Medio Campidano".
This farmer’s village in the east of the Marmilla, which is bounded by the Table Mountain Giara di Gesturi, still belonged to the province Cagliari until 2005. The cone mountain at Las Plassas, which gives the region (Marmilla) its name, creates, together with the ruins of a castle that lie on top of it, the magnificent background of the popular Nuraghian fortress Su Nuraxi that was declared as World Culture Heritage by the UNESCO.
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Titel dieser Seite: Barumini in Sardinia - sights and citizens Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: This farmer’s village in the east of the Marmilla, which is bounded by the Table Mountain Giara di Gesturi, still belonged to the province Cagliari until 2005. The cone mountain at Las Plassas, which gives the region (Marmilla) its name, creates, together with the ruins of a castle that lie on top of it, the magnificent background of the popular Nuraghian fortress Su Nuraxi that was declared as World Culture Heritage by the UNESCO.