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Festivities in October on Sardinia

In October festivals in honour of holy Francesco and holy Bachisio are celebrated in Bolotana. But the most important event of this month, which is also very popular with tourists, is the chestnut and hazelnut harvest celebrated on the last Sunday of October in Aritzo. Here, Sardinia shows its treasures in kitchen and cellar and because these are not only the just harvested nuts, one can really look forward to a pleasurable party.


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Titel dieser Seite: Festivities in October on Sardinia
Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: In October festivals in honour of holy Francesco and holy Bachisio are celebrated in Bolotana. But the most important event of this month, which is also very popular with tourists, is the chestnut and hazelnut harvest celebrated on the last Sunday of October in Aritzo.

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