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Easter Festival in Sardinia - Festivities on Sardinia in March and April

Like everywhere in southern Europe, Easter is the greatest religious festivity of the year. There is hardly a community, where there is no procession during the Holy Week. The probably most impressive event during Easter is the procession on Easter Monday called “Lunissanti” in Castelsardo. At this Lunissanti-procession which is over 10 kilometers long and is being accompanied by torchbearers, ancient singings resound and give the festival a medieval touch. But in Alghero, Cagliari, Oristano, Sassari and Iglesias as well these processions are magnificent and appropriate to the meaning of Easter. Also on Easter the traditional bread is baked. Many Sardinians use the second Easter holiday to take a ride with their families and friends and have a sociable picnic in the countryside.


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Titel dieser Seite: Easter Festival in Sardinia - Festivities on Sardinia in March and April
Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: Like everywhere in southern Europe, Easter is the greatest religious festivity of the year. There is hardly a community, where there is no procession during the Holy Week. The probably most impressive event during Easter is the procession on Easter Monday called “Lunissanti” in Castelsardo.

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