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Festivities in Sardinia | February

February is the month of carnival. Everywhere in Sardinia people are celebrating, but this is very different depending on the region. In Paulilatino, Abbasanta and Oristano, impressive horseman games are arranged, in which every rider has to spear a ring with a lance during tantivy. A miss or even a drop of the horse would mean a crop failure for the local population. In Mamoiada, Orotelli and Ottana in contrast, dark and partly scary masks wander through the streets. In Bosa and Tempio Pausania the atmosphere is more gay, carnival is celebrated for two weeks without a break.


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Titel dieser Seite: Festivities in Sardinia | February
Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: February is the month of carnival. Everywhere in Sardinia people are celebrating, but this is very different depending on the region. In Paulilatino, Abbasanta and Oristano, impressive horseman games are arranged, in which every rider has to spear a ring with a lance during tantivy.

Sardinien - February | Sardinia - February | Sardegna 
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